History of Thar Shaddin

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the region of Marn known as the historic district is, by far, the oldest part of the city. Built as a border outpost by an ancient empire, the original fort is at least a few thousand years old. Its builders, whoever they were, have been long forgotten. Throughout its life the fort, known as Fort Marn, exchanged hands, fell into ruin, and was rebuilt again and again. Because of its placement along a well trafficked trade route that joins large Eastern and Western empires, Marn consistently remained a useful early warning outpost for whichever side could get their hands on it.


Eventually, about 200 years ago, the political situation had stabilized long enough for a city to form around the much fought over fort. This new city, which became known as the city of Marn, prospered greatly from trade between the regions, and grew almost overnight. The few historians who maintain accurate accounts of the birth of the city believe that Belatucadrus, a powerful local vampire lord, had a large hand in the creation of the city. He is supposedly responsible for attracting young, hopeful settlers and businessmen to the area with prospects of money through trade. These people, and the guards who were already stationed in the fort, were the founders of the city of Marn.

Several decades later, the farmland to the east of Marn branched off, for unknown reasons, and formed the town of Shim. Shim remained small, shady, and isolated from its older brother Marn to the west. The only notable features in Shim are Belatucadrus' manor, and a cemetery so old it was used as a burial pit by the original guards of Fort Marn.

For reasons unknown (or kept secret), trade through Marn slowed to a trickle as quickly as the city had sprung up, about 100 years after the city's creation. This sudden change forced Marn into a mild recession as it had to find new sources of revenue and self sufficiency. The city has never fully recovered from the recession, and is constantly struggling with poverty and disrepair. The two empires who once relentlessly fought over Fort Marn now completely ignore the area and are focused on newer, more prosperous regions to the south. The city, however, does manage to survive despite isolation from the rule and protection of the larger empires.