Breath of Teodinus

This evergreen perennial shrub is native to the Sooqui Plains, thriving in the dry sandy soil and year round warmth. While once thought to be a weed of no practical use, it was later discovered by early inhabitants of Fort Marn to cause adverse reactions to magic users exposed to it. Should a magic user come in contact with a fresh plant or concentrated oils extracted from it, symptoms can range from a severe rash at the place of contact to an allergic reaction resulting in watery eyes, a runny nose, a sore throat, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms are less intense when exposed to fumes, as a result of burning the plant, but still quite unpleasant. There are no known side effects to non-magic users, but years of exposure to smoke inhalation can cause lung damage similar to life-long smokers.

The plant started to be used by Puradynes in Marn around 208PW. The local Puradyne Temple created their own incense out of the plant and burned it during religious ceremonies. In present day Marn it is seen as a test of faith: those who could breathe in the cleansing Breath of Teodinus and not be made ill by the taint of magic in their blood was a true believer. Not all Puradynes subject themselves to this “test”, but those that do and repeat the test at regular intervals are often viewed as pillars of the faith and moral leaders within their communities.

On rare occasions a non-magic user has been known to show adverse effects to the plant, which are often chalked up the individual either having come from a tainted bloodline (a view of devout Puradynes) or the test being less than perfect.